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SUBJECT: Hello, these are the training videos for oral reading fluency. As I read these passages, you should be tracking along as if you are the examiner. So I will be reading as a student, and Ali will be administering as a teacher.

You should have the passage out in front of you. And again, tracking the arrows as we go and also timing along with us. All right, we’re going to start with “Grandma and Grandpa.”

INTERVIEWER: OK, please read this out loud. If you get stuck, I will tell you the word so you can keep reading. When I say stop, I may ask you to tell me about what you read, so do your best reading. Start here. Ready, begin.

SUBJECT: I like to spend times with my grandma and my grandpa.

The day they come over to my house and–


SUBJECT: –visit us and something. I go spend the weekend with them. When school is over, I spend the summers at their house. They do not live–


All right. OK, we’re going to move to “Old Peach Tree” next. OK, please read this script aloud. If you get stuck, I will tell you the words so you can keep reading. When I say stop, I may ask you to tell me about what you read, so do your best reading. Start here. Ready, begin.

SUBJECT: The peach tree in Bob yard was very big and old, but it was still “alov.”

And every spring, it grew new “levs” and flowers. But it had not– not grown peaches in many years. So Bob’s dad had “dikited–”


SUBJECT: –to chopped down the tree for wood. His dad chopped with an ax.



OK, now we’re going to move to “The Plane.” Please read this aloud. If you get stuck, I will tell you the word so you can keep reading. When I say stop, I may ask you to tell me about what you read, so do your best reading. Start here. Ready, begin.

SUBJECT: The first “plahn” was made by two brothers. Their “plahn” was the first to have an “in-guyn”– engine. It was also the first one to be flown for more than a few second.

Before then, people flying had only been a dream. The “bru-tha”– brothers became famous and rich as a result.

INTERVIEWER: Stop it. All right.

SUBJECT: OK, you should be counting and calculating the amount words read correctly. That is the end of the training video.